CECC confirms 1 more imported COVID-19 case; case visits the US for work and contracts coronavirus

On June 1, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced one new confirmed imported case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Taiwan. Case #443 is an over 50-year-old female who visited the United States for work in March. The case returned to Taiwan on May 31. The case had a fever, runny nose and cough on May 18 and developed a loss of sense of smell on May 21. She voluntarily reported her symptoms to quarantine officers at the airport upon arrival in Taiwan. After the quarantine officers collected her specimen for testing, she was transported to a group quarantine facility. Infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in the case on June 1. The case is currently hospitalized in isolation for medical treatment.
PublishTime 2020/6/1