EM Atlas of Clinical Microbes

EM Atlas of Clinical Microbes
  • 編者/作者:Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health, R.O.C.(Taiwan)

  • 出版機關:Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health, R.O.C.(Taiwan)

  • 出刊日期:2009年4月

  • 創刊年月:2009年2月

  • 版本:1st ed 

  • 定價:NT$450

  • ISBN:978-986-01-7212-6(hbk.)

  • GPN: 


This unique atlas includes about 100 electron micrographs of pathogenic microorganism while providing scientists and health workers with a readily accessible source of morphologic information for use in the identification of clinical microbes. Each micrograph is accompanied by explanatory text that guide readers to know these infectious pathogens. This atlas also presents some important pathogens in Taiwan including SARS-coronavirus, enteroviruses, denguevirus, Virbio cholerae, Burkholderia pseudomallei and Bacillus anthracis.


最後更新日期 2018/3/13