The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced three more imported cases (hereinafter Case #1, Case #2 and Case #3) of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection in the evening on February 6, 2020. Case #1 and Case #2 live in northern Taiwan and are a male in his 50s and a female in her 50s respectively. Case #1 and Case #2 are a married couple. The couple, together with two other family members, transferred in Hong Kong and traveled to Italy on January 22. On February 1, the couple and their family members transferred in Hong Kong and returned to Taiwan. The couple developed coughing on January 26 and 28 respectively. Case #1 had a fever when arriving in Taiwan and went to see the doctor on the same day and was diagnosed as having a cold. Case #1 sought medical attention again on February 4 as his symptoms didn’t improve. He was found having pneumonia after the medical examination and was reported to the health authority. On the other hand, Case #2 didn’t have a fever when arriving in Taiwan. She was diagnosed as having a common cold on February 3. As her husband was reported on February 4, the hospital suggested them to follow the procedures of sample collection and case reporting. Test results showed that they have been infected with 2019-nCoV. Both patients are hospitalized in isolation wards. The family members who traveled with the couple have not displayed suspected symptoms.
Case #3 is a female in her 40s living in southern Taiwan. She traveled to Macau with three other family members from January 21 to 24. The case developed symptoms, including fever, chills, sore throat, running nose and shortness of breath on exertions on February 1. She sought medical attention on February 3 but didn’t meet the criteria of case reporting after the medical examination, and then she returned home. Since her symptoms lingered, the patient sought medical attention again and was placed in a negative pressure isolation ward, and her samples were also collected. The patient was later tested positive for 2019-nCoV. The case is currently in a stable condition and receiving medical treatment.
As of writing, a total of 16 confirmed cases have been reported in Taiwan. As of 4 pm on January 6, 21 additional cases of 2019-nCoV were reported. As of writing, a total of 1,307 cases have been reported, including 16 confirmed cases, 1,166 individuals removed from the follow-up list, 82 individuals with negative preliminary test results and the others awaiting tests.