Welcome to the Director's Mailbox. You can share your questions and comments here.
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The processing unit will reply to you as soon as possible.
Verification code must be characters or numbers.
欄位名稱前面有 * 代表為必填欄位
Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required.
We do not intend to collect your personal information. Information you provided will only be used to contact you. Feel free to use your nickname or anonymous email account.
基於資訊安全風險考量,有關您反應之意見內容,請避免直陳涉及個資或隱私之內容。如有涉及隱私等疑義,可撥打民眾疫情通報及諮詢專線 1922 洽詢,或 以書面郵寄至本署(地址: 10050 臺北市中正區林森南路6號6樓,疾病管制署收),並加註「保密」字樣,本署將盡速辦理。
To protect your privacy, please do not mention any personal information in your message. If the issue of your concern contains private information, please call the toll-free Communicable Disease Reporting and Care Hotline 1922, or send us a letter at Taiwan CDC (NO.6, Linsen S. Rd., Taipei 10050, Taiwan) and add “Confidential” on the envelope. We will reply to you soon.