Editor/Author:Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health, R.O.C (Taiwan)
Publisher:Centers for Disease Control, Department of Health, R.O.C (Taiwan)
Date of Publication:Aug. 2012
According to the statistics of World Health Organization (WHO), 40 percent of population in the world is currently living under the threat of dengue fever. As a subtropical island frequently in contact with Southeast Asian countries, Taiwan is constantly in the threaten circumstances of dengue fever. Because dengue fever vaccine is not yet available, then the most effective control measure for dengue fever is to manage and reduce breeding sites. However, this preventive strategy should be implemented in collaborate with governments and the publics. This course provides essential knowledge and preventive measures of dengue fever with lively but informative contents for school children. In addition, it is expected to extend the policy of reducing breeding sites to families and communities, encourage the people cleaning water containers readily available in order to reduce infected risk of dengue fever. Furthermore, school children are training for volunteers on disease prevention in the future through this course so that disease prevention at community can last forever.Download: