The Investigation Report of First Confirmed Case of Hantavirus Hemorrhagic Fever in Taiwan, 2012

Hsin-Fan Chien, Shu-Hua Huang, Hui-Chen Lin, Chiou-Yueh You,Chao-Ching Chang

2013 Vol.29 NO.4

Correspondence Author: Hsin-Fan Chien

  • Fifth Branch of Taiwan Centers for Disease Control


A hospital reported on June 27, 2012, that a 63-year-old male pig farmer who resided in Alian District of Kaohsiung City had probably been bitten on toes by mouse at workplace in mid-May, and sought medical advice after developed fever, vomiting, ostealgia, muscular soreness, back pain, and shortness of breath since June 18. His symptoms were not relieved and on June 22, he went to consult the doctor again. After examination, he was found sinus bradycardia and thrombocytopenia and admitted to the hospital. On June 27, he was reported as a case of Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever by the hospital, and was confirmed by Centers for Disease Control, Taiwan on July 11, becoming the first local acquired case of Hantavirus hemorrhagic fever for the last two years. After notification, the health authorities had launched into rodent control and public health education.