Investigation of the Cholera Family Cluster in Taiwan, 2016

DOI: 10.6525/TEB.20170711.33(13).002

Chiung-Wen Hsu1*, Zhi-Jie Ding2, Du-Lin Ling2,Ying-Shu Liao3, Chien-Shun Chiou3, Shu-Chun Chiu3,Wan-Jhen Lin1,Jong-Nian Xu1

2017 Vol.33 NO.13

Correspondence Author: Chiung-Wen Hsu1*

  • 1Health Bureau of Taichung City Government
  • 2Central Regional Center, Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan
  • 3Center for Research, Diagnostics and Vaccine Development, Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan


Cholera is an acute intestinal infectious disease caused through oral-fecal route. Clinical symptoms are painless diarrhea with rice-stool, vomiting and rapid dehydration. If not treated in time, the fatality can be more than 50%. We described a family cluster caused by Vibrio cholerae O1 serogroup (serotype O1-Ogawa/ Toxigenic). We investigated the source of suspected food and water specimens, shop staff, and food sources of the retailers; the test results were all negative. The cause of the cluster might be food-sharing, contacts of contaminated bathroom equipment, cross contamination from cutting boards for handling raw and cooked food. We suggested that public health interventions should start in the early phase. To prevent similar incidents, we recommended that the competent authorities should implement a three-tier quality control system in the food industry that will help tracing the origin of infections.

Keywords:Cholera, Family cluster