Epidemiologic Investigation And Prevention of Pertussis Cluster, Chiayi, 2019

DOI: 10.6525/TEB.202104_37(8).0001

Yi-Ying Lin*, Yu-Neng Chueh, Chiao-Wen Lin, Jen-Te Wang, Tzu-Chun Chen, Tsuey-Feng Lee

2021 Vol.37 NO.8

Correspondence Author: Yi-Ying Lin*

  • Southern Regional Center, Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan


        In early 2019, Chiayi county confirmed a pertussis case in a baby boy. After the epidemic investigation, three family-related clusters were identified. To prevent the spread of infections, the health department immediately started the intervention. The results of the investigation showed that no correlations between the families were found. The baby cases were not immunized with pertussis vaccine. The mothers also did not get the tetanus, diphtheria toxoids and acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap) during pregnancy. Fortunately, after the intervention, no new cases were discovered. The source of infection in this incident might be atypical or asymptomatic cases in the community. It is necessary to strengthen the alertness of seeking medical assistance early and notification from doctors. In addition, the first dose of pertussis vaccine should be given to the newborn at two months old. For many years, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has recommended that pregnant women and baby caregivers should get the Tdap vaccine so that the passive immunity and indirect protection would reduce the risk of neonatal pertussis infection. This policy should continue promoting in the future.