An Investigation Report of HIV Infection through Blood Transfusion in 2007
Hui-Rong Liu
2008 Vol.24 NO.11
Correspondence Author: Hui-Rong Liu
The main routes of HIV transmission include blood, sexual behavior, and mother-to-child vertical transmission. Since 1988, each batch of donated blood in Taiwan is supposed to be screened with HIV-1 antibody test. To ensure the safety of blood recipients, beginning in 1995 both HIV-1 and HIV-2 antibody tests are performed to prevent transmission of HIV through blood transfusions. The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (TW-CDC) has investigated the periodic follow-up reports of blood recipients and one suspected blood transfusion-associated HIV case was reported in December of 2007. As a result a series of investigations about the blood donors and the blood recipients were done including retrieving cases, sample collecting, and diagnostic work. Through PCR and gene sequence alignment, we discovered that the blood donor was w the window period for HIV transmission and there were no tests performed on the donated blood, which resulted in two people becoming infected with HIV. This was the first reported case of HIV transmission that happened by way of blood products from a donor who was within the transmission window period. Patients received personal counseling and medication. In addition to improving the sensitivity of tests and shortening of the window period, we should emphasize the importance of developing standard operating procedures. This will help to preserve blood samples and enhance the consulting skills of donor care specialists in the future so as to prevent HIV infection through receiving window-period blood products and clear out the details of this incident.
Keywords:AIDS, blood transfusion