Accidental Carbon Monoxide Poisoning and Its Prevention

T.J. Hong

1995 Vol.11 NO.1

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Accidental carbon monoxide poisoning is common in countries in the temperate and frigid zones, particularly in the snowy winter season; this poisoning is a major cause of accidental deaths(1,2). Taiwan is in the sub-tropical zone, as warm as spring time throughout the year, with the lowest average temperature, 15℃, found in January. Carbon monoxide poisoning should never occur in such a warm country, yet statistics of the Department of Health(3) show that in 1989 alone, 85 persons died on the Island of carbon monoxide poisoning, and the number of cases of intoxication from the gas could have been many times more. Taiwan has its unique weather patterns, and carbon monoxide poisoning is related to those. This report investigated the relationship and suggests ways to prevent such poisoning.