Chvou Department of Pediatvics.
JD Wang, CM Lin
1987 Vol.3 NO.1
Correspondence Author:
During September-November, 1985, four employees of a factory in Taipei County were seen in an outpatieit clinic of the National Taiwan University Hospital complaining of cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and wheezing. The symptoms tended to be worse at night and improved after long holidays. All four employees worked in the same area in the factory which manufactures synthetic tape used in the textile industry. A review of the tape manufacturing process found that an adhesive resin applied to the tape contained toluene diisocyanate (TDI). a well-known cause of occupational asthma. To determine whether there was an association between TDI exposure among employees in the factory and asthma-like symptoms, an epidemiologic investigation of the factory was initiated.