Epidemiological Survey and Drug Therapy of Clonorchis sinensis in Kuo-Hsing Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
C.L. Yeh
1993 Vol.9 NO.5
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In 1874, while performing a pathological anatomy in Calcutta, India, McConnel, found a never-reported parasite in the bile duct of a Chinese carpenter. Next year, Cobbold, after some important studies of this parasite, named it Clonorchis sinensis(1). In the subsequent years, through the efforts of many researchers, the life cycle of the parasite had been established2. The source and mode of infection are primarily from eating raw freshwater fish containing the cysts of C. sinensis, from which the metacercariae set free and migrate via the digestive tract into the host. They remain in the bile duct of the host, and become adults to lay eggs in about a month. One adult produces around 4,000 eggs a day, and the longevity of adults is 15 to 20 years.