An Epidemiological Investigation of a Suspected Meningococcal meningitis Outbreak at a Military Camp
Lai YC
2002 Vol.18 NO.1
Correspondence Author:
On 4 June 2001, the Third Branch Bureau of the Center for Disease Control received a report from a medical center in central Taiwan of a death from meningococcal meningitis. The case was, at the time of death, undergoing training at a military camp. It was reported that the camp had also sent about 20 patients with fever to a military hospital for treatment under isolation. An investigation was soon conducted to ascertain the likelihood of a meningococcal meningitis outbreak in the military camp. The investigation revealed that the death was the only confirmed case of meningococcal meningitis. The 24 suspected cases confined under isolation and 49 more soldiers who had had fever and headache in the previous two weeks were found to be not positive by clinical diagnosis and laboratory testing. To prevent the spread of infection, all officers and soldiers of the camp, staff of the hospitals in contact with the deceased, family members, and other soldiers were given prophylactic medication; disinfection of the environment was carried out and health education provided. No further cases were reported since, thus the incident was considered sporadic.