Review of Acute Infectious Diseases in Taiwan 2010
Shu-Kuan Lai, Yi-Chen Tsai, Chih-Pei Sun, Chiu-Hsiang Lin, Hung-Wei Kuo, Fang-Tzy Wu, and Jen-Hsiang Chuang
2012 Vol.28 NO.7
Correspondence Author: Shu-Kuan Lai
There were 5,487 confirmed cases of acute infectious diseases in 2010, including 77 deaths. The number of confirmed cases increased by 10% and the deaths decreased by 5% compared with the data in 2009, in which 4,990 were confirmed cases, including 81 deaths. The top five infectious diseases having the highest increase rates in 2010 were botulism, meningococcal meningitis, cat-scratch disease, paratyphoid fever, malaria, and dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome. The top five diseases having the highest decrease rates in 2010 were measles, acute viral hepatitis C, leptospirosis, typhoid fever, and toxoplasmosis. Forty-four confirmed cases died because of severe complicated influenza, which was the first cause of death, invasive pneumococcal with 12 cases was the second cause of death and nine people died because of melioidosis was the third. In 2010, the most important event was imported NDM-1 Enterobacteriaceae infection. The next was the family botulism clusters in Taoyuan County and Miaoli County. Suffers might eat dried bean curds in vacuum bags. The other important clusters of infectious diseases were melioidosis clusters in Kaohsiung City after Typhoon Fanapi in September, the dengue fever epidemic in Kaohsiung City and Tainan City from September to November and the family and school clusters of shigellosis in Hualien County in October.