Analysis of surveillance data of diarrhea cluster events between 2005 and 2006 in Taiwan
Chiu-Hsiang Lin
2007 Vol.23 NO.7
Correspondence Author: Chiu-Hsiang Lin
In this study, data from 125 diarrhea cluster events reported by the CDC Symptom Surveillance System between 2005 and 2006 were analyzed for places, seasons, and pathogens. A total of 1,775 cases were involved, of which 48.0% occurred in densely-populated institutions, followed by hospitals (19.2%), schools (15.2%) and military camps (2.4%). Two peaks were identified: between January and March of 1995, and between October and December of 1996. Norovirus caused 90 events (72.0%), followed by S aureus (21 events, 16.8%). Among the 1,775 reported cases, which included 315 non-symptomatic contacts, norovirus was isolated in 483 cases, of which 38 were asymptomatic contacts.