Implementation of Authorized Laboratory Testing Institutions for Communicable Diseases in Taiwan, 2011

Su-Jen Liu, Yu-Jen Hsu, Szu-Fong Lin, Mei-Hui Liao, Jung-Jung Mu, Hwa-Jen Teng,Lili Lee, Ho-Sheng Wu

2013 Vol.29 NO.7

Correspondence Author: Su-Jen Liu

  • Research and Diagnostic Center, Centers for Disease Control, Taiwan


       In order to improve accuracy of test reports, shorten the testing time, reduce the waste of medical resources by duplicate laboratory tests, and conduct effective disease control, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Republic of China has implemented the laboratory designation, commissioning, and authorization systems according to Article 46 of the Communicable Disease Control Act. It provides a rapid, accurate, and convenient laboratory network for all citizens. Furthermore, Centers for Disease Control, Taiwan (Taiwan CDC) designated one laboratory testing institution to assist testing the risk group 4 pathogens in 2004. On August 12, 2008, it started to authorize laboratory testing institutions for testing categories 2-4 communicable diseases. Moreover, Taiwan CDC has adjusted its policy implementation by developing yearly tailored strategies based on the analyzing the reasons of failure applications each year. From August 12, 2008 to December 31, 2011, a total of 20 diseases, 245 laboratory testing institutions, and 955 testing items have been authorized. The largest number (210 institutions) of authorized laboratory testing institutions was testing acute hepatitis C, and followed by syphilis (153 institutions), acute hepatitis A (133 institutions), gonorrhea (76 institutions); acute hepatitis B (65 institutions), typhoid fever (62 institutions), shigellosis (58 institutions), paratyphoid fever (52 institutions), tuberculosis (except multidrug-resistant tuberculosis) (32 institutions), melioidosis (27 institutions), invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b infection (19 institutions), toxoplasmosis (14 institutions), varicella (10 institutions), Legionella ssp. in aquatic environments (9 institutions), mumps (5 institutions), legionellosis (2 institutions), diphtheria (1 institution), dengue fever (1 institution), enterohaemorrhagic E. coli infection (1 institution) and cholera (1 institution). In the future, the laboratory system will collaborate with the national health insurance system and the laboratory accreditation system to provide a convenient and quality-assured laboratory network to promote disease control specialty as well as the quality of medical service so as to ensure the health of all citizens.