Laboratory-Acquired Parasitic Infections and Biosafety
DOI: 10.6525/TEB.20160510.32(9).001Shih-Fen Hsu, Chia-Hao Chang, Hwa-Jeng Teng,Be-Chih, Chen, Ya-Ping Li, Shu-Ying Li*
2016 Vol.32 NO.9
Correspondence Author: Shu-Ying Li*
In recent years, due to the increase of the population of global travelers, immigrants and immunocompromised individuals, parasitic diseases are receiving increasing attention in many countries. It is essential for laboratory and health care workers to learn about the most frequent parasitic laboratory infection accidents, types of exposure and transmission route, potential biosafety risks and the preventive measures. We review the laboratory-acquired parasitic infections (LPI) reported in the literature during 1976–2015 and find a total of 319 cases. Among them, blood and tissue protozoa constitute 74.6% and are the most frequent LPI, followed by intestinal protozoa (16.0%) and helminthes (9.4%). Accidents of blood and tissue protozoa infections are mostly caused by needle or sharp injuries, wound contact or arthropod bites. Accidents of intestinal protozoa and helminthes infections are majorly caused by accidental ingestion, inoculation or mucosal contact.