The Current Ebola Outbreak in West Africa and the Response Measures in Taiwan
Hui-Yun Kao, Mei-Hui Lin, Yi-Chien Chih, Shu-Mei Chou, Chin-Hui Yang
2014 Vol.30 NO.17
Correspondence Author: Hui-Yun Kao
In February 2014, the outbreak of Ebola virus disease happened at first in Guinea, then expanded to the neighboring countries, Liberia and Sierra Leone, and even reached to Nigeria. With the rapidly increasing cases and deaths, the 2014 Ebola outbreak is the largest one in history and the first in West Africa. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on 8th August 2014 that the current outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) has been met. In response to the Ebola outbreak, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC) had raised travel alert and taken measures for preparedness and response in early April. On 8th August Taiwan CDC upgraded the response level and established ”Ebola Virus Disease Emergency Response Task Force” to enforce four main measures: Health Education for Outbound Passengers, Quarantine for Incoming Passengers, Preparedness and Drill Performance, and International Cooperation. Taiwan CDC continues to watch closely the outbreak progress and timely adjust the response and control measures.