Management and review of the first probable variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in Taiwan

Ji-Jia Huang1, Hai-Yun Ko1, Ding-Ping Liu1, Jih-How Chow2, Feng-Yee Chang3

2011 Vol.27 NO.11

Correspondence Author: Ji-Jia Huang


The first probable variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD) case was reported by Taiwan’s Department of Health in 2010 and provoked extensive public discussion. This article elaborates current strategies and future prospects for the prevention and control of Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) by reviewing the management of recent probable vCJD case, history of CJD prevention in Taiwan, case reporting system, investigation procedures, disease prevention measures, case publishing standard and autopsy examination scenarios. The reporting and investigation procedures for CJD are very much alike in Taiwan and in other developed countries. This patient is the first probable vCJD case and was under investigation by our neurological experts. Based on the clinical presentation and related academic journal references, they determined this patient as a probably vCJD case. It is necessary to establish a collaborative consultation platform with England, for example, WHO Reference Laboratories and related international experts. Accordingly, we can improve the investigation efficacy through the interchange of experiences.