Response Measures of the Communicable Disease Control Medical Network to H1N1 Novel Influenza
Peng Guo, Mei-Hui Lin, Chia-Ming Lin, Su-Mei Chou, Chang-Hsun Chen
2010 Vol.26 NO.23
Correspondence Author: Peng Guo
In late April 2009, outbreaks of H1N1 novel influenza occurred in the United States and Mexico, and spread around the world in six weeks. The World Health Organization (WHO) announced the start of a global pandemic of H1N1 novel influenza on June 11, 2009. Taiwan announced H1N1 novel influenza as a category 1 communicable disease on April 28. On May 20, the first imported case appeared in Taiwan. In response to the imported cases, four designated communicable disease response hospitals were recruited to isolate and treat cases. In response to changes in the H1N1 pandemic, the main focus of disease control has shifted from containment to mitigation. The management of increasing numbers of patients, treatment of severe influenza cases and preservation of the medical system will be the focus of work.
In this article, we describe and review measures implemented by the Communicable Disease Control Medical Network in response to H1N1 novel influenza cases between May and mid June, 2009. We also suggest measures that should be implemented by the medical system in response to the second wave of pandemic and main focus of disease control work in the future.