Interim Epidemiological Analysis of The SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Wave in Taiwan, January–June 2022
DOI: 10.6525/TEB.202212_38(24).0002Hao-Yuan Cheng*, Chiu-Mei Chen, Yu-Neng Cheuh, Yu-Lun Liu, Shu-Wan Jian, Chien-Bang Hsu, Chia-Lin Lee, Hung-Wei Kuo
2022 Vol.38 NO.24
Correspondence Author: Hao-Yuan Cheng*
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Omicron variant appeared in Taiwan in the beginning of 2022 and resulted in the most severe wave of COVID-19 nationwide. At the beginning of this wave, the effective reproduction number (Rt) was around 2 and started to decrease as confirmed patients accumulated. By July 3, a total of 3,840,958 patients were confirmed to have COVID-19. Among them, 16,535 patients had moderate to severe symptoms, whose age ranged between 0–110 years (median: 79 years), and 14,117 (85%) were aged 60 years. The risk for having moderate to severe disease increased with age. These data reflected that the strategies against SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Taiwan had transited from containment/elimination to mitigation. Continued easing of restrictions without exerting excess burden on the healthcare systems will be the next mission.