Reflection on the New Delhi Metallo-β-lactamase 1 (NDM-1) Enterobacteriaceae Infection

Jih-Ching Huang1, Li-Jung Chien1, Jer-Jea Yen1, Feng-Yee Chang2

2010 Vol.26 NO.26

Correspondence Author: Jih-Ching Huang


The recent discovery of Enterobacteriaceae which carry genes capable of producing New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase 1 (NDM-1) has brought attention and discussion among medical and public health researchers. In Taiwan, in order to prevent infection caused by NDM-1 Enterobacteriaceae, on September 9, 2010, NDM-1 Enterobacteriaceae infection was listed as category 4 communicable disease. Clinicians are required to report to public health authorities all patients with suspected NDM-1 Enterobacteriaceae infection. In addition, medical personnel should follow the “Standard Operating Procedure in the Management of Reported Cases of NDM-1 Enterobacteriaceae Infection” developed by the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control in the management of confirmed cases and their close contacts within the same room. In response to the identification of Taiwan’s first asymptomatic carrier of NDM-1 Enterobacteriaceae, Taiwan has adopted the prevention and control strategies recommended by the World Health Organization in the relevant infection control measures and coping strategies against the emergence of multi-drug resistant bacteria. Policies that strengthen the control of nosocomial infection and promote good hand-washing habits among medical care providers and the general public have been consistently enacted. In addition, enhanced surveillance to identify multi-drug resistant bacteria has been discussed and planned in order to reduce the chance of transmission of drug-resistant bacteria.