An Influenza B Outbreak at a Juvenile Detention Center in Puli Township, Nantou County
Chiu CS
2001 Vol.17 NO.8
Correspondence Author:
From July 1 to 5, 2000, an influenza B outbreak occurred at a juvenile detention center in Puli township of Nantou County. 21 of the 29 inmates of 12 to 17 years of age developed typical flu symptoms of cough (19, 90%), headache (17, 81%), sore throat (16, 76%), fever (15, 71%), vomiting and diarrhea (6 each, 29%). Of the 15 throat swabs, influenza B virus was isolated in 10; and nine of them were assessed to be B/Beijing/184/93-like virus strain. The incident was considered a collective influenza B infection. The incident was special in that it occurred in a season of normally low rate of flu, that 90% of cases became sick in three days, that cases were young, and that the attack rate was as high as 72%.