Smoking and passive smoking in relation to lung cancer by histological category
L-P Ger
1992 Vol.8 NO.7
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Since 1982, malignant neoplasms have been the most common cause of death in Taiwan, and lung cancer has been the most common cancer. Because of its high case- fatality rate, lung cancer accounts for 18 percent of all cancer deaths (20 percent in males and 15 percent in females). In 1989, the mortality rate of lung cancer among males in Taiwan was 22.77 per 100,000 population, and among females the rate was 10. 13.(1) Since the 1950s, the age-adjusted mortality rate of lung cancer has been increasing in Taiwan. Over this period, there was an eight-fold increase in lung cancer mortality, this rate of increase was the fastest one among All malignant neoplasms. (1,2)