Vibrio cholerae O139 Case in Taiwan


1997 Vol.13 NO.11

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From the human specimens of the patient, Vibrio cholerae O139 was isolated. This was the first new O139 type ever isolated in Taiwan in the last 30 years since the O1 outbreak in 1962 and the control of cholera in 1965. Drug resistance of the pathogens was also tested at the same time. These testing procedures should help in the early identification of infection sources and also treatment of patients. The fact that O139 was promptly and correctly isolated indicates the improvement in the disease reporting system, the disease control system and the laboratory technology in preventing the spread of the infection. It also suggests the importance of developing SOP for laboratory procedures and also the advancement in technology and facilities. Furthermore, the public should be educated about the prevention and control of the high-risk notifiable diseases such as cholera.