Introduction of Laboratory-based Surveillance System for Enterovirus in Taiwan
Tsuey-Li Lin, Ting-Han Lin, Yuan-Pin Huang, Ho-Sheng Wu*
2015 Vol.31 NO.9
Correspondence Author: Ho-Sheng Wu
The Enterovirus Surveillance System in Taiwan has been established by TaiwanCenters for Disease Control (Taiwan CDC) in 1999, and operated for 16 years.During this period, the Center for Research, Diagnostics and VaccineDevelopment, Taiwan CDC continuously developed the diagnostic techniques andimproved the diagnostic quality. In cooperation with Collaborating Laboratoriesof Virology, the epidemic trends of different serotypes of enteroviruses weremonitored, and some emerging pathogens were detected. For example, more than 40serotypes of enteroviruses, Human Parechovirus (HPeV) 1, HPeV 3, HPeV 4, andSaffold virus type 3 were identified. This surveillance system not onlymonitored the enteroviruses, but also other viruses belonged to the family of Picornaviridae. However, for the purposeto make public easily understand this system, we still call it “EnterovirusSurveillance System”, not “Picornavirus Surveillance System.”