Autopsy Report: A Case of Vibrio vulnificus Infection

Yu-Lan Wang

2009 Vol.25 NO.5

Correspondence Author: Chuen-Sheue Chiang


The infection caused by Vibrio vulnificus can develop a course of disease quickly and has high mortality. The high risk population of the infection are people with immune system, especially those having chronic, long term alcoholic, or suffering from hematochromatosis. The bacterial laboratory at Taiwan CDC received 11 autopsy samples from a patient suspected infection by an infectious pathogen. The condition of the case progressed worst rapidly on the same day at admission. The laboratory identified the bacteria isolated to clarify any bacterial pathogen related to the course of disease. The results showed that only one bacterial pathogen, Gram-negative, curved, rod-shaped, isolated from the heart-blood swab. The pathogen was also identified from the menigeal swab, pericardial effusion swab, and pleural effusion swab. After identification by biochemical kits and traditional biochemical reaction, the pathogen was confirmed as Vibrio vulnificus. To use a proper and strict sterile sampling technique for autopsy samples from a case suspected of infection by an infectious pathogen can reduce sample contamination, which is the main factor influencing or confusing the judgment effectively. To collect suitable samples at a proper time point can avoid the influence caused by many normal flora either translocated into blood or samples lysed. Hence, the investigation and the analysis for - an illness developed quickly, such as an infection caused by Vibrio vulnificus can be effective. Moreover, results based on an accurate and meaningful bacterial examination can be achieved.
Keywords: Vibrio vulnificus, septicemia, autopsy case, biochemical identification