Current Status of AIDS in Taiwan, ROC

J.K. Chen

1990 Vol.6 NO.10

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AIDS, the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, is a disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, the HIV. It attacks the lymphatic cells, destroys the immune functions, causes opportunistic infections and even leads to malignant neoplasms.
A report by WHO of March 1989 indicated that there was only one AIDS case in Taiwan (there were actually 10 cases in Taiwan area then). There are 21 AIDS case as of today. The total infection rate in Taiwan area is unknown, the tendency to increase, however, is obvious.
Between May 1985 and October 1990, blood specimens of some 3 million population had been screened (See Table 1). This represents 15% of the total population (3 million/20 million) of the Taiwan area. As a result, 140 HIV positive cases and 21 AIDS cases had been identified. Of the 161 HIV infected cases, the highest proportion of infected individuals was found among male homo-and bisexuals (37.88%). The second highest was found among hemophiiacs (27.33%), the heterosexuals (including prostitutes) (13.66%), and drug addicts (5.59%) (See Table 2).