Knowledge-Attitude-Practice Survey of the Parents of Attendees on Hepatitis B and Its Paid Vaccination in Chengchung District, Taipei City.
1987 Vol.3 NO.8
Correspondence Author:
In November 1983. Department of Health launched a long term Hepatitis B Control Program in order to prevent and control the unusually high prevalence of hepatitis B infection among inhabitants in the Taiwan Area. The Limited Hepatitis B Vaccination Program which was one of its main topic had begun since July 1984. It covered only the newborns of high risk mothers with positive HBsAg due to insufficiency of vaccine and priority in the time scheduled vaccination policy The above mentioned persons of the top priority in the LHBVP were entitled to be vaccinated free of charge. As the provision of HB vaccine became sufficient, this limited vaccination program was expanded to cover all newborns at government’s expense since July 1986. Beofre that, a year trial of providing paid vaccination to all Taipei City kindergarten attendees had begun since December 1985 Only 14.46% (9500/65684) of all Taipei City kindergarten attendees’ parents were willing to let their children be vaccinated at their own expenses. A total number of 7870 (11.98%) kindergarten attendees were vaccinated. In March and April 1985, Chengchung Health Station of Taipei City conducted a KAP survey of the parents of 1100 kindergarten attendees within its own district on hepatitis B and its paid vaccination. Five hundread twenty nine samples of 4 kindergartens in Chengchung District were selected by nonrandomized method ( kidergartens too small in size or too difficult to carry out the survey were excluded from this survey). The rate of response was 82 99% (439/529) and 414 (78.26%) of questionnaires were analyzed as valid samples