Health Behavior Survey and Community Center to Promote Health in Men Who Have Sex with Men
DOI: 10.6525/TEB.20160524.32(10).001Pei-Ling Liu*, Yen-Fang Huang, Chuan-Yin Kao, Chang-Hsun Chen
2016 Vol.32 NO.10
Correspondence Author: Pei-Ling Liu*
The key to control global AIDS epidemic has to target to the five key populations, including the group of men who have sex with men, as these populations are at higher risk of HIV infection. Since 2010, Taiwan Centers for Disease Control and nongovernmental organizations continue to promote Community Center for men who have sex with men (MSM) in Taipei, Northern, Central, Southern and other places, in order to extend AIDS prevention, and provide consultation, education, screening and other services; and to assist linking the positive cases to medical resource system.
Results from this survey as of 2012 found that about 50% of MSM have heard about Community Center; among them, about 50% who have visited it, and 90% of the visitors reported they would recommend a friend to the Center. Fifty percent of respondents reported that they always or often use a condom every time during sex. The most often used addiction drug during sex is, in order, ecstasy, ketamine, and amphetamines; and those who use drugs during sex do not use a condom often. From 2012 to 2014, the total number of visitors increased from 5,992 to 6,334; the people receiving HIV screening increased from 2,228 to 2,337, and the proportion of positive screening results decreased from 3.0% to 1.1%.
Our results revealed that the MSM Community Center provides a specific venue to service, exclusive and friendly; and the provision of professional consulting service before and after screening has effectively improved its successful rate in HIV counseling and screening. All of these showed that the MSM Community Center has its unique benefits.