A Review of Prevention and Control for Enterovirus Infections in Asia
Shu-Chun Chu, En-Tzu Wang, Ding-Ping Liu
2013 Vol.29 NO.10
Correspondence Author: Shu-Chun Chu
Enterovirus has attracted the attention of health authorities in Asia since the occurrence of epidemic in Malaysia, 1997 and in Taiwan, 1998, and almost every country has established related surveillance systems, and prevention and control strategy in succession. During 2008 to 2011, Taiwan, Japan, China, Singapore and Vietnam again emerged serious outbreaks which show that enterovirus infections have become an important contagious disease of children in Asia. This article reviewed prevention and control strategy of enterovirus infections in different countries in Asia by collecting information from international conferences, related website of health departments, and literature review. In summary, monitoring of hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) is the main focus in surveillance aspect, and giving publicity to good personal hygiene is the main point in prevention and control strategy. Some countries implement class/school closures as control measure and enhance quality of medical care to reduce the rate of severity and death. A guideline for the clinical management and prevention control for HFMD issued by WHO Western Pacific Regional Office in 2011 October provides reference of surveillance, diagnosis, medical care, prevention and control, and expecting to reduce the harm of enteroviruses to children’s health.