Serosurveillance of Hantavirus Antibodies in Rodents at Port of Taichung, 2011–2016
DOI: 10.6525/TEB.202001_36(1).0001Yi-Syue Li1*, Kung-Ching Wang1, Ching-Fen Ko1,2, Pi-Long Liu1
2020 Vol.36 NO.1
Correspondence Author: Yi-Syue Li1*
Serosurveillance of hantavirus antibodies in rodents was conducted at Port of Taichung from 2011 to 2016. A total of 221 rodents were trapped alive and 3 species were identified. Rattus norvegicus was the dominant species (61.1%), followed by Suncus murinus (26.7%) and Rattus losea (12.2%). All serum samples from rodents were tested for hantavirus antibodies. The average hantavirus seropositive rate in rodents was 5.9% and hantavirus antibodies were only detected in Rattus norvegicus trapped from 5 out of the 20 sites. The results suggested that hantavirus was circulating in Rattus norvegicus. We notified stakeholders near the 2 sites with higher seropositive rates to carry out rodent control measures. No human case of hantavirus hemorrhagic fever had been reported at Port of Taichung during the study period. We recommend that stakeholders eliminate or minimize contact with rodents in order to prevent hantavirus infections.