Serological Surveillance of Dengue Fever in Kaohsiung City

Y.C. Wu

1993 Vol.9 NO.12

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Since the dengue fever outbreak in 1987 in the southern part of Taiwan, index cases of disease epidemics have been reported by physicians. The success of the control of epidemics is highly associated with the extent of the epidemics as understood by the health authorities. Then outbreak in Kaohsiung City in 1988 reported several hundreds of cases, eventually led to a major outbreak with 2,636 confirmed cases in the year, the number of unreported cases was estimated to be ten times more. In 1991, a minor outbreak occurred in Kaohsiung City again. When it was noted by the health authorities, there were 11 accumulated cases. With effective control, the number of confirmed cases in the year was only 113. This was an improvement over what it was in 1988. There are many reasons attributable to the effective control in 1991, early detection of the disease is an important reason not to be overlooked.