Investigating a Food Poisoning Outbreak in a School

T.F. Lee

1995 Vol.11 NO.2

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Vibrio parahaemolyticus is a Gram-negative, halophilous bacterium surviving under an optimum temperature of 37℃. The vibria divides and multiplies rapidly, at about once every 8 to 12 minutes. Foods contaminated by even a small amount of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, at room temperature and in a salty environment, can very soon become pathogenic(1,2). All around the world in sea water and in the mud at the bottom of the sea, in spring and in summer, the bacteria attach themselves to shellfish. Food poisoning may then occur if shellfish are eaten raw or insufficiently cooked(2). Cases of food poisoning induced by vegetables contaminated indirectly by previously used knives, chopping boards, dish cloths, utensils, containers and fingers have also been reported(1-3)