Updates on Vaccine Injury Compensation Program in Taiwan and Program Evaluation
DOI: 10.6525/TEB.20150922.31(18).001Ping-Cheng Wang*
2015 Vol.31 NO.18
Correspondence Author: Ping-Cheng Wang
In response to the outcome in which a child receivedoral poliovirus vaccine and subsequently developed polio in 1986 in Taoyuanarea, the Department of Health implemented the Vaccine Injury CompensationProgram (VICP) and established a Compensation Relief Funds that pays forvaccine-injured individuals in June, 1988 and held its first committee meetingin 1988. Later in 1992, Vaccine Injury Compensation Working Group was set up toconduct independent review of vaccine-related injury cases. The legislative objectivesof the policy are to compensate vaccine-injured children and their family in atimely fashion, address public concern over vaccine safety, and simultaneouslyencourage parents to continue to have their children vaccinated, thus tomaintain high vaccination coverage for certain vaccine-preventable diseases.This paper aims to give updates on VICP in Taiwan and further evaluates the Regulations GoverningCollection and Review of Relief Fund for Victims of Immunization and proposesrecommendations regarding future work