Exploring on Rabies Control and Elimination Strategy
Mei-Mei Kuan1, Muh-Yong Yen2
2013 Vol.29 NO.133
Correspondence Author: Mei-Mei Kuan
Human rabies is fatal after onset; however, it can be treated through appropriate prevention tools. Implementing of personnel vaccination by pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) or post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) combined with rabies immunoglobulin (RIG), human rabies is preventable. In addition to obtain real-time information and risk assessment to facilitate the appropriateness of resources allocation; deliver accurate surveillance information, health education, and interdisciplinary communication, are the utmost priority in rabies prevention. Taiwan currently has an outbreak of rabies among wild ferret badgers with no indigenous human cases. Although 99% of human rabies deaths were associated with dogs, however, there were human rabies infections associated with exposure to ferret badgers. Therefore, the public should remain vigilant in not contacting with wild animals (including ferret badgers) and strengthen epidemic prevention via urging pet owners to acknowledge the importance of building herd immunity among canine and feline in community. For the eradication of rabies, including the assessment of the feasibility of oral rabies vaccination to eliminate rabies among wild ferret badgers, implementation of vaccination among canine and high-risk personnel, monitors and surveillance for rabies cases via reporting, and testing. An integrated, community-oriented management strategy and long-term vision under One Health strategy through a collaborative process to achieve rabies elimination in Taiwan.