Preliminary Study of Contact Patterns and Places Among HIV-infected Cases with their Anonymous Sexual Contacts, September 2012 to March 2013, Taipei Region, Taiwan
Jiunn-Shyan Julian Wu, Chiung-Wen Hsu, Hsiu Wu, Shih-Tse Huang, Shih-yan Yang
2013 Vol.29 NO.24
Correspondence Author: Jiunn-Shyan Julian Wu
Contracting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through sexual intercourse has become the leading risk factor of infection in HIV-infected cases. This preliminary study demonstrated that more than 30.3% of HIV-infected cases in Taipei Region have more than 2 anonymous sexual contacts (ASCs); and 16.7% differentiable anonymous sex contacts (DASCs) had sexual contact with at least 2 HIV-infected cases. Internet e-dating (74.5%), sauna (or baths) (7.5%) and pub (4.6%) had become places where HIV-infected cases preferred to encounter with their ASCs; and date to having unprotected sex at home (74.9%), sauna (or baths) (9.3%) and hotels (5.8%) after they were acquainted to each other. In summary, the characteristics of contact patterns between HIV-infected cases with their ASCs were multiple exposures, continuously accumulating risk exposures and surging e-dating for sex. To overcome these three characteristics, establishing multiple channels of penetrable advocacy, integrating multidiscipline efforts to improve awareness of HIV/AIDS and how to perform safe sex, and implement safe sex are necessity.