On January 20, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced it would tighten hospital visitation management measures and reduce daily visiting times to only one time slot, effective immediately. Related details are listed below:
1. Visitors and personnel entering healthcare facilities must wear a mask at all times and practice hand hygiene, and health monitoring among them must be conducted.
2. Daily visiting times are limited to only one, from the original two time slots, and in principle, each patient can only have up to two visitors at one time.
3. In principle, only one individual (including the caregiver) may accompany a patient.
4. Healthcare facilities should keep a record of the names or phone numbers of visitors or people who accompany patients.
5. People who are in home isolation or home quarantine or who practice self-heath management, during their health management period, shall not accompany a patient to any healthcare facilities.
6. People who in home isolation or home quarantine or who practice self-heath management, during their health management period, shall not visit a patient at healthcare facilities. However, those in home isolation or home quarantine who are asymptomatic on or after the first day of the quarantine/isolation period, or those who remain asymptomatic during their self-health management period can apply to take an out-of-pocket COVID-19 test in accordance with the regulations concerning the Application Form for Out-of-Pocket Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Testing
for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19); those who test negative may go out to visit patients.
7. Healthcare facility staff, including contract workers, should wear proper personal protective equipment.