Academic Research |
學術研究 |
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, AIDS |
後天免疫缺乏症候群 |
Acute Hepatitis A |
急性病毒性A型肝炎 |
Acute Hepatitis B |
急性病毒性B型肝炎 |
Acute Hepatitis C |
急性病毒性C型肝炎 |
Acute Hepatitis D |
急性病毒性D型肝炎 |
Acute Hepatitis E |
急性病毒性E型肝炎 |
Amebiasis |
阿米巴性痢疾 |
Anthrax |
炭疽病 |
Bacterial Enteric and Emerging Diseases Laboratory |
腸道及新感染症細菌實驗室 |
Bacterial Respiratory Diseases Laboratory |
呼吸道細菌實驗室 |
Bilingual Glossary |
中英文對照表 |
Biosafety |
生物安全 |
Biosecurity |
生物保全 |
Bioterrorism attack |
生物恐怖攻擊 |
Botulism |
肉毒桿菌中毒 |
Central Regional Laboratory |
中區實驗室 |
Chikungunya Fever |
屈公病 |
Cholera |
霍亂 |
Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) |
先天性德國麻疹症候群 |
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease |
庫賈氏病 |
Dengue Fever |
登革熱 |
Diphtheria |
白喉 |
Diseases and Conditions |
疾病介紹 |
Ebola Virus Disease |
伊波拉病毒感染 |
Educational Training |
教育訓練 |
Endemic Typhus Fever |
地方性斑疹傷寒 |
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli Infection (EHEC Infection) |
腸道出血性大腸桿菌感染症 |
Enteroviruses Infection with Severe Complications |
腸病毒感染併發重症 |
Epidemic Intelligence |
疫情資訊 |
Epidemic Typhus Fever |
流行性斑疹傷寒 |
Field Investigation / Inspection |
現場驗證 |
Gonorrhea |
淋病 |
Hantavirus Syndrome |
漢他病毒症候群 |
Health Examination of Aliens |
外國人健檢 |
Health-associated Infection |
醫療照護相關感染 |
Herpesvirus B Infection |
疱疹B病毒感染症 |
Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV |
人類免疫缺乏病毒 |
Immunization |
預防接種 |
Infection Control |
感染管制 |
Information Security Policy |
資訊安全政策 |
International Cooperation |
國際合作 |
International Quarantine |
國際檢疫 |
Invasive Haemophilus Influenzae Type b Infection |
侵襲性b型嗜血桿菌感染症 |
Invasive Pneumococcal Disease |
侵襲性肺炎鏈球菌感染症 |
Japanese Encephalitis |
日本腦炎 |
Laboratory Information |
檢驗資訊 |
Lassa Fever |
拉薩熱 |
Legionnaire's disease |
退伍軍人病 |
Leprosy |
漢生病 |
Leptospirosis |
鉤端螺旋體病 |
Lyme Disease |
萊姆病 |
Lymphatic Filariasis |
淋巴絲蟲病 |
Malaria |
瘧疾 |
Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever |
馬堡病毒出血熱 |
Measles |
麻疹 |
Melioidosis |
類鼻疽 |
Meningococcal Meningitis |
流行性腦脊髓膜炎 |
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) |
中東呼吸症候群冠狀病毒感染症 |
Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB) |
多重抗藥性結核病 |
Mumps |
流行性腮腺炎 |
Mycobacterial Diseases Laboratory |
分枝桿菌實驗室 |
Mycotic Diseases Laboratory |
真菌實驗室 |
Neonatal Tetanus |
新生兒破傷風 |
Novel Influenza A Virus Infections |
新型A型流感 |
One Health |
防疫一體 |
Parasitic Diseases Laboratory |
寄生蟲實驗室 |
Paratyphoid Fever |
副傷寒 |
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) |
個人防護裝備 |
Pertussis |
百日咳 |
Plague |
鼠疫 |
Policies and Regulations |
相關法規 |
Poliomyelitis |
小兒麻痺症 |
Privacy Policy |
隱私權政策 |
Publications |
出版品 |
Q Fever |
Q熱 |
Rabies |
狂犬病 |
Research and Diagnostic center |
研究檢驗中心 |
Response Preparedness |
應變準備 |
Rift Valley Fever |
裂谷熱 |
Rubella |
德國麻疹 |
Scrub Typhus |
恙蟲病 |
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) |
嚴重急性呼吸道症候群 |
Severe Complicated Influenza |
流感併發重症 |
Shigellosis |
桿菌性痢疾 |
Smallpox |
天花 |
Southern Regional Laboratory |
南區實驗室 |
Surveillance and Reporting |
監視通報 |
Syphilis |
梅毒 |
Tetanus |
破傷風 |
Toxoplasmosis |
弓形蟲感染症 |
Travel Health Notices |
旅遊資訊 |
Tuberculosis |
結核病(除多重抗藥性結核病外) |
Tularemia |
兔熱病 |
Typhoid Fever |
傷寒 |
Varicella |
水痘 |
Vector Biology Laboratory |
病媒實驗室 |
Vector-borne Viral and Rickettsial Diseases Laboratory |
病媒病毒及立克次體實驗室 |
Viral Enteric and Emerging Diseases Laboratory |
腸道及新感染症病毒實驗室 |
Viral Respiratory Diseases Laboratory |
呼吸道病毒實驗室 |
West Nile Fever |
西尼羅熱 |
Yellow Fever |
黃熱病 |
Zika Virus Infection |
茲卡病毒感染症 |