On the morning of May 27, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) held its National Epidemic Prevention Meeting with each city and county government. The CECC and city/county governments adopted a resolution concerning the distribution of 410,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine at the meeting. Details about the resolution are listed below.
A. At the first stage, 150,000 vaccine doses will be distributed on May 27, and stocks will be replenished at any time before they run out). In Taipei City and New Taipei City, those vaccine doses will be prioritized and offered to unvaccinated individuals in the first, second and third priority groups (including medical personnel, disease prevention and control staff and front-line workers at high risk of exposure). In other cities and counties, those doses will be prioritized and offered to unvaccinated individuals in the first priority group (medical personnel), healthcare personnel requiring their second jab and people who need to get their second shot to travel abroad for official business.
B. At the second stage, 260,000 doses (list of eligible persons will be changed on June 10) will be prioritized and offered to unvaccinated individuals in the first, second and third priority groups across Taiwan (including medical personnel, disease prevention and control staff and front-line workers at high risk of exposure).
Based on the delivery timeline of the next batch of vaccine doses, vaccine rollout, and the status of the pandemic, changes will be made on a rolling basis to include unvaccinated individuals in the fourth to eighth priority groups in the vaccination program.