Nationwide epidemic alert to remain at Level 2 from January 25 to February 7; CECC makes adjustments to related measures and urges public to follow epidemic prevention and control measures to safeguard epidemic prevention efforts in community

After discussions with relevant agencies and assessments, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced on January 24 that it will maintain the Level 2 epidemic alert and adjust related measures, effective from January 25 and February 7, in response to the severe global coronavirus situation and the domestic cases of the Omicron variant. Adjustments and related regulations are listed below.

A. Mask rules remain tightened; masks are required when outside except for the exceptions listed below.
a. Masks are now required when exercising, singing, taking photos, livestreaming, filming, moderating an event, reporting news, delivering remarks, giving a speech, lecturing, or during activities or events involving conversations with others.

b. In the following situations, people are not be required to wear a mask, but they should carry a mask with them. Masks are still required if COVID-19 symptoms are present and social distancing cannot be maintained.
1. When people in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and animal husbandry sectors work in open spaces (such as farm fields, fish ponds, forests and mountains);
2.When people are in forests/mountains (including forest recreation areas) and on the beach;
3. When people are in hot/cold springs, dry sauna rooms, spas, steam rooms, saunas, during water activities, or in venues where masks can get wet easily.

c. Masks may be removed when consuming food/beverages.
d. Masks may be temporarily removed in venues or during activities (e.g. art performers performing a show, film crews/TV news anchors when filming, and athletes and referees participating in sports competitions) that comply with the CECC's or competent authority's epidemic prevention and control rules.

B. Commercial business venues and public venues (including transportation) should implement contact information registration, take temperatures, enhance disinfection of premises, carry out health management among staff, and implement timely responses to the occurrence of confirmed cases.

C. Taiwan High-Speed Rail (THSR), Taiwan Railway Administration (TRA), intercity buses, ships (except for designated dining areas), and domestic flights: consuming food and beverages is not allowed inside a vehicle (train, ship or aircraft).

D. Crowd control at stores, supermarkets, and markets: a distance of at least 1.5 meters per person (2.25 square meters per person) is required indoors and a distance of at least 1 meter per person (1 square meter per person) is required outdoors; food sampling is not allowed.

E. Religious venues and religious gatherings or events: shall abide by epidemic prevention and control regulations issued by the Ministry of Interior.

F. Dining venues should: rigorously implement contact information registration, take temperatures, provide hand washing and disinfection equipment; toasting each table is not allowed at banquets. Venues that violate the measures will be subject to penalties according to applicable laws and required to make remedies within a given time period; those who fail to do so are not allowed to offer dine-in services.

發佈日期 2022/1/24