CECC confirms 1 more imported COVID-19 case; male case found to have COVID-19 after returning to Taiwan from Philippines

On August 29, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced one new confirmed imported case of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Taiwan. The new case is a Taiwanese male in his 40s (Case #488). The case traveled to the Philippines for work in February and returned to Taiwan on August 27.

The case experienced a sore throat on August 20, but he didn’t seek medical attention in the Philippines. After he had his specimen collected at the airport upon entry into Taiwan, the case was taken to a group quarantine facility. Infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in the case on August 29. The case has not developed any symptoms as of writing, and he is currently hospitalized in isolation for treatment.

The CECC reported that a cumulative total of 86,983 cases related to COVID-19 have been reported in Taiwan among which COVID-19 has been ruled out in 85,892. Of these reported cases, infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in 488 cases. Of 488 confirmed cases in Taiwan, 396 are imported; 55 are indigenous; 36 are naval crew members aboard the Panshi fast combat support ship, and 1 case has yet to be determined.

發佈日期 2020/8/29