On September 4, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) pointed out that in response to the family cluster involving a pilot of a Taiwanese airline, it would send a text message alert today to members of the public who came into contact with the confirmed cases or visited related venues during related time periods between August 13 and September 2. The content of the text message alert is as follows:
[COVID-19 Alert] As you came into contact with the confirmed cases or your history of activity overlapped with that of the confirmed cases between August 13 and September 2, please seek medical attention or visit a designated community testing site if you experienced any suspected symptoms of COVID-19 after August 13.
The CECC explained that people who receive the text message must wear a medical mask correctly and seek immediate medical attention if they experience any discomfort; such people must not use public transportation when seeking medical care, and they must inform medical staff of their related history of exposure and contact when seeking medical care.