On December 28, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) reported that since December 23, there have been a total of 27 individuals who arrived in Taiwan from the United Kingdom or who have traveled to the United Kingdom in the past 14 days, and they all are staying at group quarantine facilities. Among those individuals, one has tested positive for COVID-19 (Case #790) and is currently hospitalized in isolation, whereas the other 26 people tested negative. Moreover, a total of 127 travelers, including 13 cabin crew members, on board a flight to Taiwan from the United Kingdom arrived on December 27. Of the 127 passengers, one was transported to the hospital for COVID-19 testing after experiencing a fever, and infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in the case on December 28; four arrived with symptoms but tested negative; two arrived without symptoms and were later tested and confirmed to have COVID-19; the remaining passengers all tested negative.