On October 24, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that the self-health management requirement following the end of isolation for confirmed COVID-19 cases would be removed, and contacts of confirmed cases would observe a seven-day period of self-initiated prevention, a "0+7" scheme. These changes will be effective on November 7, 2022 (the day a patient starts to isolate, Day 0). Details are listed below.
A. Adjustments to the criteria for release from the seven-day self-health management for confirmed cases following their seven-day isolation:
Confirmed cases receiving home care can be released from self-health management once they test negative on a rapid test after seven days of isolation. Those who don't have severe illness and are admitted to hospitals or enhanced quarantine hotels/government quarantine hotels will not need to practice self-health management following the end of isolation if they test negative (tests performed by medical professionals and can be released from isolation).
B. The "0+7" scheme for contacts of confirmed cases:
Contacts must follow a seven-day period of self-initiated prevention. A home isolation notice will not be issued to contacts; instead, four at-home rapid test kits will be provided. Individuals who don't have symptoms during the self-initiated prevention period must have a negative result from a rapid test taken within the past two days before they can go out. They must follow self-initiated prevention rules when going out.