On November 4, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that, effective from November 7, it will make adjustments to COVID-19 prevention measures. Adjustments are listed below.
1. The home isolation requirement for contacts of confirmed cases will be discontinued, and "0+7 days of self-initiated prevention" will be implemented instead.
2. The isolation/self-health management period for non-severe cases receiving home care will be reduced to "7+n" days: after they isolate for seven days and are released from isolation, non-severe cases will practice self-health management for up to seven days. They can dispense with self-health management if they test negative on a rapid test during the self-health management period.
3. The requirement that people receive a COVID-19 vaccine booster (third dose) or take a rapid test to participate in activities where people frequently come into contact with unknown persons or cannot maintain social distancing will be lifted. Such activities include religious events, group tours, exercising in gyms, or entering eight types of adult entertainment venues.
4. The mandatory requirement that commercial business venues and public venues take the temperature of customers will be discontinued.
The CECC explained that, in line with the abovementioned adjustments, people diagnosed with COVID-19 need to provide only the number of people aged two and older who live together and that of individuals under two years of age who share the same residence when filling in information on close contacts living together on the COVID-19 Contact Tracing Self-Reporting System for Confirmed Cases. They will not be required to provide personal information of their close contacts living together. Local governments will provide each close contact aged two or older with four government-funded rapid test kits, which can be used during their self-initiated prevention period.