On September 22, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that, effective 00:00 on September 29 (incoming flight's scheduled arrival time), mandatory quarantine will remain to be three days of quarantine and four days of self-initiated prevention. Furthermore, arrivals will be allowed to spend the entire seven-day period in a residence under the one person per room rule. As on-arrival saliva testing will be canceled, at-home rapid testing rules for arrivals undergoing mandatory quarantine will also be changed. Related rules are listed below.
I. Quarantine period: remains to be three days of quarantine and four days of self-initiated prevention.
II. Quarantine location:
A. An arrival may spend the three-day period and the four-day self-initiated prevention at his or her home or a residence of his or her friend or family member that meets the requirement of the one person per room. This rule means a room used to undergo self-initiated prevention, in principle, should have a separate bathroom. If a residence for quarantine fails to meet the requirement of one person per room, the arrival can stay at a quarantine hotel but cannot stay at a general hotel.
B. Family members/household members who arrive on the same day can choose to quarantine together in their home or a residence of their friends or family or they can stay in the same quarter depending on their willingness and room types of the quarantine hotel where they stay. However, due to the space of single rooms, it is not recommended that more than two adults share a room.
C. Furthermore, rules regarding places of quarantine for migrant workers, fishermen, or students (overseas students) should be established and enacted in accordance with regulations of regulatory authorities of respective businesses.
III. In response to the end to on-arrival saliva PCR testing at airport or ports, rapid testing measures for arrivals will be changed as follows:
A. Who will get at-home rapid test kits and how many rapid test kits:
rapid test kits will be given to arrivals aged 2 and older by workers at international airports/ports upon arrival. The number of rapid tests to be provided for such a traveler will be increased from two to four.
B. When to use rapid tests:
1. On the day of arrival or the first day of quarantine: designated staff will call arrivals to inquire about the result of such a rapid test.
2. The last day of the three-day period (the third day of quarantine).
3. During the self-initiated prevention period, a negative result from an at-home rapid test taken within two days is required before an arrival goes out.
4. When symptoms develop during the three-day period and the four-day self-initiated prevention.
C. In consideration of the age limit on who can use at-home rapid test kits, children under two years of age are not required to take rapid tests during the entire seven-day period. If they experience symptoms, they should seek medical attention following the same rules for arrivals who require medical help.
Additionally, epidemic prevention rules for arrivals in the self-initiated prevention period remain unchanged:
1. Avoid going outside unless necessary.
2. A negative result from an at-home rapid test taken within two days should be presented if an arrival needs to go out to work or buy daily necessities.
3. Masks must be worn at all times when outside and social distancing must be maintained.
4. An arrival fulfilling business contractual obligations may go to work, conduct site visits, give a speech, or have a meeting. However, masks should still be worn at all times and social distancing should be maintained throughout.
5. Masks must be worn at all times and social distancing must be maintained at work; masks can be temporarily removed when dining and should be put on after finishing dining.
6. Avoid going to crowded venues or contact with nonspecific persons.
7. An arrival fulfilling business contractual obligations may dine alone or with specific persons in a separate space in a restaurant, provided that table dividers must be installed or social distancing must be maintained.
8. Non-urgent medical services or examinations should be postponed.