On November 17, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced two new confirmed imported cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Taiwan. Those two cases are a Taiwanese man in his 30s (Case #605) and a Taiwanese man in his 50s (Case #606). The two men arrived in Taiwan from Myanmar and Indonesia.
Case #605 traveled to Myanmar to work in March. The case began to experience drowsiness, a fever, and other symptoms on September 6. He sought medical care and was diagnosed with COVID-19 in Myanmar. His symptoms were relieved in the second half of September. When he returned to Taiwan on November 8, the man voluntarily notified airport quarantine officers that he had been diagnosed with COVID-19 and had come into contact with Taiwan's confirmed cases in Myanmar. Therefore, airport quarantine officers then collected his specimen for COVID-19 testing. The man experienced an itchy throat and a mild cough while awaiting his test result. The test result later came back negative. As his cough became worse on November 13, he voluntarily reported his health status to the health authority which then arranged his medical care and COVID-19 testing. Infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in the case on November 17 (the Ct value was 33).
Case #606 visited Indonesia for work in September. The man began to develop coughing, breathing difficulties, diarrhea, and other symptoms on November 9. He only took over-the-counter medicine, and he didn't seek medical attention. When entering Taiwan on November 15, the case provided a certificate of a negative COVID-19 antibody test taken within three days prior to boarding the flight to Taiwan. Because he voluntarily notified airport quarantine officers that he had experienced symptoms and come into contact with confirmed cases, his specimen was collected for COVID-19 testing upon arrival. Infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in the case on November 17.
The CECC reported that a cumulative total of 106,080 cases related to COVID-19 have been reported in Taiwan among which COVID-19 has been ruled out in 104,528. Of these reported cases, infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in 605 cases. Of the 605 confirmed cases, 513 are imported; 55 are indigenous; 36 are naval crew members aboard the Panshi fast combat support ship; 1 case has unknown sources of infection; and 1 case (Case #530) has been removed (Case#530 is not assigned to any patients). Of the confirmed cases, there have been 7 deaths, and 539 patients have been released from isolation, with the other 59 patients remaining hospitalized in isolation.