All 189 contacts at the same company as Thai migrant worker test negative for COVID-19

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that that no additional cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) were confirmed in Taiwan on July 29. The CECC reported that a cumulative total of 81,167 cases related to COVID-19 have been reported in Taiwan among which COVID-19 has been ruled out in 80,105. Of these reported cases, infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in 467 cases. Of 467 confirmed cases in Taiwan, 376 are imported and 55 are indigenous while 36 are naval crew members aboard the Panshi fast combat support ship. Of the confirmed cases, there have been 7 deaths, and 441 patients have been released from isolation, with the other 19 patients remaining hospitalized in isolation. 

The CECC also announced further details regarding the Thai migrant worker found to have COVID-19 after he returned to Thailand from Taiwan as announced by Thai authorities on July 27. 189 contacts at the company where the migrant worker had worked all have tested negative after undergoing PCR tests and antibody tests. The test results indicate that there is no risk of transmission at the company. The investigation into other possible sources of infection is under way, and the CECC is investigating locations and events the migrant worker had visited in Taiwan.

發佈日期 2020/7/29