On May 23, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) pointed out that, in response to the pandemic situation, it has made adjustments to the travel history, occupation, contact history, and cluster information (TOCC) of individuals recorded on the National Health Insurance Medi-Cloud System that can be referenced to when doctors provide medical consultations to include information about "testing positive for COVID-19." TOCC information of individuals in the following four groups are added to the system:
A. People undergoing home isolation/self-initiated epidemic prevention: three days of home isolation followed by four days of self-initiated epidemic prevention or seven days of self-initiated epidemic prevention.
B. People undergoing home quarantine: seven days of home quarantine followed by seven days self-health management.
C. Infected people with no/mild symptoms who receive home care: confirmed cases isolating at designated residences--home care.
D. People testing positive for COVID-19.